Consistently invest in yourself, constantly improving your
skills, techniques and knowledge of hardware accessories will make life so much
easier. In addition, it can lower cost and save you time. In the past several
years there have been significant improvements toward hardware. Here are a few
of my favorites.
One approach that helps with the rigging challenge is with
the use of gripper gliders and aircraft cable.
Using the combination creates the illusion that a heavy scenic piece is
freely floating, unanchored by gravity. Cable gliders and aircraft cable are designed
to improve our rigging endeavors toward suspending and adjusting heights much
We frequently use aircraft cable to suspend scenery from the
fly system battens. The stranded steel core adds strength and flexibility to
the cable. Aircraft cable is classified by the number of strands in the cable
multiplied by the number of wires in each strand. For example, the notation 7x7
indicates that the cable has seven strands made up of seven wires in each
strand. We use 1/16” 7x7 black coated galvanized aircraft cable for most of our
scenic needs and 1/8” 7x19 black coated galvanized aircraft cable for much
heavier projects. Be sure to check with the manufacturer specs on the breaking
strength and factor the 5:1 ratio. As an example, if 1/16” cable is rated 480
LBS breaking strength, divide 5 into 480, 96 LBS is the dynamic weight limit
for that cable. If your scenic piece weighs 120 LBS, you would need two 1/16” aircraft
cables to support the weight. I will go
into detail of creating cable ends using swages, thimbles and crimping tools in
the next article. Here is a link to a great company I purchase our aircraft
cable and rigging supplies from. Http://
One of my most used hardware in rigging is cable gliders. A
glider is a gripping mechanism for aircraft cable that locks onto the cable by
ball bearings and can be easily move anywhere on the cable by pressing the
quick release plunger. You can adjust a fraction of an inch or by any length.
This makes hanging scenery quick, accurate and saves a lot of frustration toward
repositioning something zillions of times. Just as aircraft cable, gliders are
rated by the breaking strength of the glider with the 5:1 ratio to be applied.
As an example, if the glider is rated at 300 LBS breaking strength then the
dynamic weight limit is 60 LBS. Here is a link to a variety of gliders from.
Hopefully you will see this article as beginning steps
toward doing the right amount of
research before doing something yourself. Skimping on hardware or not doing
something proper is dumb and could kill someone. As a church we want to lead
people to heaven, inadvertently, we don’t want to hand them an express
ticket. Remember, safety is the most
important thing.
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