Stage Managers Are Super Heroes
If you were to ask people attending a weekend service or
event, “When or how did a live scene change on stage in the dark?” Most people
would not have a clue. Unnoticed and in charge of more things than anyone else
in a live production, is one of the most valuable production individuals on the
team, the Stage Manager. They are the Black Ops commander of the stage. They
are so top secret; most individuals that attend a church service see them
rarely. Very few know that a SM has super night vision capability, able to see
in pitch blackness in order to move scenery to a destination. They are able to
leap from behind a curtain in a split second, like a stealth bomber, dropping
an arsenal of fresh batteries in a wireless microphone and disappear. They
refer to pieces of equipment like they were people with feelings. Who are these
unsung individuals that protect our domestic and foreign stage soils?
We all genuinely love seeing all of the different pieces of a
weekend service or event come together. But without the help and support of a
skilled SM the chances of success is highly unlikely. Most Production and Programming teams have the opportunity
to see close hand the hard work that these gifted, dedicated individuals do
toward crafting a seamless service but yet go unnoticed. Their weekly actions, approach and “can do”
attitude inspires us all. Amid the mayhem of live situations, they are still
able to provide practical and organizational support toward the pastors,
worship team and performing arts team.
It’s a pretty intimidating job when you think about it. They
coordinate communication between all parties. Help individuals to be ready to move
on or off stage in a timely manner. Move scenery and props in a live situation.
Supervise safety, lock, unlock doors and manage break times. Sweep, mop and manage
a crew of volunteers. Gaff label everything with amusing labels and strike a
whole truck load of things after service. I once heard that a stage manager
died, went to St Peter’s gates to talk to Peter when a blackout occurred for
about 15 seconds. When the lights came
back on, the gates were struck, and Peter was gone. They do an incredible job toward
detail, staying calm and focused.
One thing I’ve learned over the years, you listen to the
stage manager and you do what they say. They have very little sympathy toward
any lame excuses. They were there way early in the morning before anyone was
there and they will be late leaving, hours after everyone leaves. Beware! Any excuse or messing with an SM will
cause them to devise a secret plan for your physical harm. Remember, they are
superheroes with cunningness and brute strength, able to lift tall buildings
and walks under them. Let’s show our respect, appreciation and attention to
these unsung heroes. Take time today to tell them how much you appreciate them.
Things you won’t hear a stage manager say.
I think Godly thoughts when someone screams in
my wireless in-ear Comm.
Can you construct the props beefy and heavier?
Casters, who needs casters!
I love scene changes, let’s add one more.
You can use my gaff tape any time you want.
I love wearing black clothing so much, that’s
all I shop for.
Spiking the stage, are you kidding me? That’s a
waste of tape.
Scenic is more important, go ahead and block
stage entrances we’ll work around them.
You have 1 minute before you go on stage, go
ahead and take that potty break.
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