Dear friends,
Have you ever dreamed of adventure, doing something that counts with your life, helping people to learn new skills and develop strong friendships along the way while encountering your faith with God? On February 17-22 that dream became a reality for the four of us from the production department at Willow Creek, South Barrington. We had an amazing opportunity to partner with two churches, “ICAS and ICC,” in the Dominican Republic. Not only did we have the opportunity to work along side their team installing new equipment for lighting but we were also able to give extensive leadership training and open dialogue with their staff and volunteers. At the end of the day many commented to us and each other that they were so glad that we had come and that the training was outstanding and edifying; learning things that they had never been taught before. I must say it was a celebration for us all to see and experience how God is working through them.

So many incredible things happened on the mission trip that are so difficult to explain. For three of us, this was the first time we’ve visited the
Dominican Republic. The city of
Santo Domingo and the location of both churches is a complicated and vibrant place. Ironically, within a block or two of these churches there are portions of the city that are wealthy and clean; however, the unbelievably poor sections are side-by-side with the wealthy areas. The streets are lined with vehicles ranging from expensive automobiles carrying nicely dressed business men, to poor ragged street urchins pedaling rusty bicycles carrying case loads of fruit, looking ready to fall apart at any time. As we walked but only a few steps from the ICAS church we saw first hand the deplorable poverty. Many were in small one-room 6’ x 8’structures with dirt floors and cement walls. Most do not have any government assistance. No clean water, no sewerage system, no educational system and no food assistance. People stared at us with a combination of curiosity mixed with a bit of caution. Greeting us was the children who seemed to huddle closer to us, starring up at us with large brown eyes and ear-to-ear grins on their faces. I’m inspired and marvel at both ICC and ICAS energy, effort and focus toward caring for people that do not have much respect or hope. When the church service started we began to see a sea of people swarming the streets around the area of the church grounds, you begin to reflect upon the simple love of God and the poorest of the poor. Seeing ICC and ICAS engaged in all sorts of ministries that serve directly to the needs of the poor within their neighborhood and within the homeless population is awe-inspiring.

Can God use your gifts anywhere… you just have to say yes. Going on such short term mission trips like these does change you, the way you view life and even your likes and dislikes are likely to change. It’s funny how God will stretch you. Then about the time you’ve recovered, He does it again. It never gets easier, it just gets crazier. But yeah, that’s adventure. The surprising part is how you find yourself getting hooked on the uncomfortable. We arrived at 11pm in Chicago, very tired but elated, celebrating what we learned and the ways God used our team to make an eternal impact on the lives of so many. There were some tears and there was hope expressed that we would return again. The impact and friendship we made those six days will never be forgotten. It was one of the most fruitful mission trips I have ever experienced.
Short-term mission trips are a powerful way to have your eyes opened, and your faith strengthened, and you soul refreshed! What could be more invigorating and life-changing than stepping out of your culture; your safety-zone to do something for Christ?
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